During the geometric developments carried out in his the first book “The Inequality of the Curve and the Straight Line,” a trend to a given relationship, or pattern is discovered by means of a research based on the “trial and error” method. In determining such pattern by means of an iterative method of geometric construction, a triangle of surface equal to the surface of a given circumference was obtained.
If DABC is an isosceles triangle with a height of 2d and a base equal to the perimeter of the circumference of diameter d, its surface will be equal to the surface of the circumference of diameter 2d.
Following the development of this pattern, equalities could be established for perimeters of circumference with circumferences having a smaller diameter and equalities of square perimeters with squares having a smaller side. Also, equalities of circle surface areas with circles of a smaller diameter and equalities of sphere volumes with volumes of spheres of a smaller diameter.
In order to simplify this study, I built 38 models or explicative shapes for exhibitions and conventions at several universities in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Chile, among others.
Virtual video of explicative models
The perimeter of a circumference is equal to the sum of the perimeters of N tangent circumferences aligned along its diameter.
Let d1, d2, ..., dn, be the diameters of the N circumferences, and let P1, P2, ..... , Pn be the perimeters of such circumferences. Then, perimeter P of the circumference of diameter d is:
P = πd
= π(d1 + d2 + ..... + dn)
= πd1 + πd2 + ..... + πdn
= P1 + P2 + .... + Pn
NOTE: A Simple Example
The minimum expression for the circumference diameter before arriving to the unit is 2 units, so the perimeter of the circumference is 2π. We can draw 2 tangent circumferences with a diameter of 1 U and aligned along its diameter, each with a perimeter equal to π.
for n = 4
Let s1, s2, s3, ... sn be the sides of the "n" squares.
Let P1, P2, P3, ... Pn be the perimeters of such squares.
Then, the perimeter P of the square with side s is:
P = 4s
P = 4(s1 + s2 + s3 + ... + sn)
P = 4s1 + 4s2 + 4s3 + ... + 4sn
P = P1 + P2 + P3 + ... + Pn
With the equality of circumference perimeters and the equality of square perimeters, I have arrived to the following conclusion, which was published on page 214 of the Book “Abstracts – of the XVII Latin American Meeting on Educational Mathematics” (RELME17, by its Spanish acronym), Catholic University, Santiago, Chile – July 2003.
Structural foundations for the extension of the systems of measurement
Walter Enrique Meyer Vergara
Field of Research
Educational Level: All levels
“The mathematical relation of the curve and the straight line is equal. Thus, it is also equal for squares and circumferences, as well as cubes and spheres.” In simple terms, we could say that the same way we operate with squares, we may do it with circumferences and the same way we operate with cubes, we operate with spheres in an exact way.
The scheme formed by the circumference and the square formed by its tangents go from zero to infinite. This also applies to spheres and the cube formed by their tangential planes. Thus, we may assert that the definition we have of a straight line saying that it is a curve of infinite radius, is false.
La devise of a method to measure EXACTLY the whole circular and spherical world, in accordance with the “future times.”
Note: When I refer to the word "EXACT," it is in geometry and not as for measurement systems.
Model representative of the linear and circumferential meter
I hereby present the first gauge (meter stick), extending the idea of the first meter, which measures linear measurements with the new Chilean inch and linear measurements with the metric system, put forward on pages 104-105 and 106 of the first book and on page 3 of the Study of the First Chilean Yard.
When we measure the diameter of an axis, this meter stick directly gives us the circumference perimeter, thus making it easier for the operator of a machine tool to calculate the cutting speed. Such speed varies according to the diameter and consequently the perimeter of the workpiece to be milled and the specification given by the manufacturer of each tool.
Examples of Measuring Instruments, Application and Use of the System
Application of the circumferential meter and inch patterns to the meter gauge and micrometer for its use in the development of milling processes.
If we measure the diameter of an axis, we directly obtain the perimeter, making it easier for a machine tool operator to calculate the cutting speed.
S = peripheral cutting speed
in meters per minute
S = pi Í DN /1000
N = number of rotations per
minute of the tooling (spindle and boring head of a milling machine)
With this micrometer we may measure up to 1 geometric inch; we may measure centimeters, millimeters, tenths and hundredths of a mm; we may measure circumferential perimeters, etc.
We have represented it with a cubic acrylic model with sides measuring 10 cm, containing 1,000 small 1cm³-wooden cubes (A). It is evident that if we keep on increasing such volume (200 liters, 50,000 liters, etc.) we have difficulty of transport, material resistance, etc. Thus, we were forced to make cylinders (rounded base drums, elliptical base drums, or simply spheres).
If we make a cylinder, we have exactitude in the surface of the circle (surface = p r2) and in its height (h = 1,000/p r2). See graduated jar (B).
(F) Cylinder of diameter D and height D = 1 ½ sphere of diameter D
The new sequence of models (G-H, page 108) show, this time with spheres, full exactitude for these calculations, naturally for a new liter that has a ratio equal to p/6 with regards to our cubic liter.
We put forward again an acrylic cubic model (G) measuring 10 cm in side, but this time with 1,000 Scm (spherical centimeters) that are exactly equivalent to a 10 cm-diameter sphere (spherical flask H).
Then, with a 5 cm diameter graduated jar (I) we calculate the surface of the circle with ccm (circular centimeters) equal to 25 ccm. With each circular centimeter we make tubes that contain exactly 40 1 cm-diameter spheres. We multiply these spheres by 2/3 and we obtain cylinders of 1ccm by 26.666... cm of height (J).
With the 25 cylinders (K), we obtain exactly the volume of the graduated jar of diameter 5 and the flask of diameter 10 cm. (I and H).
The height of the aluminum cylinders, equal to is in practice 26 cm (26 units) + exactly 2/3 of 1cm.
Model representing physically the equality of a 4-unit-diameter sphere volume that is equal to a cube of 1-unit-diameter spheres (that is, a 64 unit cube).